Thursday, November 8, 2012: 1:15 PM-2:45 PM
Salon B (Radisson Plaza Lord Baltimore Hotel)
*Names in bold indicate Presenter
Organizers: Richard Bowman, Albuquerque Public Schools
Moderators: Courtney Bell, Educational Testing Service and John Tyler, Brown University
Chairs: Lindsay Page, Harvard University
This panel’s theme is the validity of student surveys in a K-12 setting. The purpose is to investigate issues surrounding the use of student surveys in K-12 teacher evaluation systems and raise awareness of issues that may arise when student surveys results are used to evaluate teachers. Many states and districts are rushing headlong into the use of surveys to evaluate teachers, despite a lack of research on whether their use is valid in a high stakes environment. The papers in this panel address different aspects of that use, and shed light on the policy concerns that may arise as student surveys are implemented in states and districts nationwide.