Panel: Assessing Bias and Precision in Nonexperimental Designs

Saturday, November 10, 2012: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
International A (Sheraton Baltimore City Center Hotel)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Moderators:  Duncan Chaplin, Mathematica Policy Research
Chairs:  Cynthia Osborne, University of Texas, Austin

These 3 papers estimate bias and precision for nonexperimental estimators of DD, CITS, RD, with applications primarily in education.

Estimation Methods for Multiple Rating Regression Discontinuity Designs
Howard Bloom1, Sean F. Reardon2, Kristin E. Porter1, Fatih Unlu3, Michael Weiss1, Pei Zhu1 and Joseph Robinson4, (1)MDRC, (2)Stanford University, (3)Abt Associates, (4)University of Illinois

Does the Precision and Stability of Value-Added Estimates of Teacher Performance Depend on the Types of Students They Serve?"
Brian Stacy1, Cassandra Guarino2, Mark Reckase1 and Jeffrey Wooldridge1, (1)Michigan State University, (2)Indiana University

Validity and Precision of the Difference-In-Difference and Comparative Interrupted Time Series Designs In Educational Evaluation
Marie-Andree Somers1, Pei Zhu1, Robin Tepper Jacob2 and Howard Bloom1, (1)MDRC, (2)University of Michigan

See more of: Methods
See more of: Panel