Panel: School Context: Size, Gender, Race and Behavior

Friday, November 9, 2012: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Carroll (Sheraton Baltimore City Center Hotel)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Moderators:  Peter Hinrichs, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Chairs:  Robert Bifulco, Syracuse University


Making the Grade: The Impact of Classroom Behavior on Academic Achievement
Kalena Cortes1, Wael Moussa2 and Jeffrey Weinstein2, (1)Texas A&M University, (2)Syracuse University

School Racial Composition and Student Achievement Under Wake County’s Race- and Income-Based School Assignment Policies
M. Monique McMillian1,2, Sarah Fuller2, Zoelene Hill2, Katherine Duch2 and William Darity3, (1)University of South Carolina, (2)Duke University, (3)duke

Beyond Academics: Do Small Schools have Better Learning Environments?
Jessica Boccardo1, Amy Schwartz2, Leanna Stiefel2 and Matt Wiswall2, (1)NYU - Wagner, (2)New York University

Are Single-Sex Classrooms Effective? Evidence From New Title IX Regulations
Patten Mahler and Thomas Dee, University of Virginia

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See more of: Panel