Panel Paper: Charter School Legislation and Crime Rates in Philadelphia Neighborhoods

Thursday, November 7, 2013 : 3:20 PM
Boardroom (Ritz Carlton)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

John MacDonald, University of Pennsylvania and Nancy Nicosia, RAND Corporation
This paper examines the implications for crime in urban neighborhoods that results from the opening of charter schools.  The change in the public educational landscape with the rise of charter schools provides a natural experiment to examine the effects that charter school locations have on crime rates.  In this paper, we used data on the location and opening of charter schools in Philadelphia, PA to estimate the effect that opening sixty-six charter schools had on neighborhood crime patterns between 1998 and 2010.  We use a difference-in-difference design that compares the change in crime in areas surrounding charter schools before and after their opening compared to areas where public schools are always open. We discuss the policy implications of our findings for the role of school locations on crime.