*Names in bold indicate Presenter
Fixing this situation requires an understanding of the career development process for research scientists, as well as the impact that public policies can have upon individual and group outcomes. The objective of this study is to investigate the key issues and the dynamics of STEM postdoctoral and researcher training and to explain job search behavior in the job market. Macroeconomic methods are widely used to model the job search behavior, and in this model we use search theory and job matching (Mortensen and Pissarides, 1994; Mortensen and Pissarides; 2003; Haan et. al, 2001) to develop an Agent Based Model focusing on the job search behavior of STEM postdoctoral associates and screening procedures employers use during the job search.
The Agent Based Modeling (ABM) methodology is used in the literature to model job matching. The agents in this model are the employment positions, PhDs, and postdocs. Each agent interacts with one another in determining job opportunities and pay scales, and negotiating arrangements for employment. Employment positions in the model are academic positions (postdoc and faculty positions) and non-academic (industry and government positions). Each employment position has characteristics such as reputation, field, benefits, work environment, travel frequency, future career options, citizenship, and potential employees should fulfill required skill set.
Results from this study are useful because systems perspectives (Sterman, 2000; Maroulis, 2010) allow us to run scenarios examining the impact of particular policy changes. Given recent attempts to diversity the workforce have not been as successful as the government would like (Ginther et. Al, 2012) we model the impact of changes in NIH and NSF awards (e.g., reducing the length of time post-doctoral researchers can serve in positions) on the diversification of the workforce. Moreover, by visualization of networks and geographic spread of job matching, using ABM models allows for the connection of detailed data on personal characteristics to networks of jobs - as well as allowing for the natural variation of labor demand across geographic space