Panel Paper: Immigrant Older Adults: Poverty, Asset Holding, Financial Access, and Public Policy

Saturday, November 9, 2013 : 8:20 AM
West End Ballroom C (Washington Marriott)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Yunju Nam, State University of New York, Buffalo
Immigrant older adults face particular social and economic challenges, yet this group is under-recognized and under-studied, with relatively little research and policy discussion. Using data from the US Bureau of the Census and other sources, this paper highlights economic vulnerability of immigrant older adults. Compared to older adults as a whole, immigrants have lower rates of receiving Social Security and private retirement benefits due to labor market disadvantages. As a result, a higher portion of immigrant older adults live in poverty. Noncitizens, recent immigrants, older-age immigrants, and those from non-European countries are the most vulnerable economically. The paper concludes with a research agenda, including tests of policy innovations that might reach this population.

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