*Names in bold indicate Presenter
Data and Methods
Data for this paper come from in-depth interviews with 45 low-income Mexican second-generation young men (ages 18 - 25) in two Chicago suburbs. The stratified sample includes individuals who graduated from high school and others who dropped out. The majority of respondents are undocumented or come from mixed-status families. Respondents were recruited using a "snowball" method with several different starts to avoid sampling from the same network. Social network data were collected using a hierarchical mapping technique that other researchers have found to be an effective tool for gathering network data from minority youth (Antonucci, 1986). Transcribed interviews were coded and analyzed with the assistance of qualitative data analysis software.
The Mexican immigrant young men in this study face numerous barriers to educational attainment, despite growing up in two of the wealthiest counties in the country. These barriers include legal status, racial discrimination, poverty, and gang activity—all factors anticipated by contemporary theories of immigrant integration (Portes & Zhou, 1993; Alba & Nee, 2003). However, I find that these young men are following multiple pathways to adulthood that call into question assumptions that Mexican immigrant youth are all assimilating “downwards” (Portes & Zhou, 1993). I also explore social ties and institutional embeddedness as key mechanisms that influence mobility.
This paper builds on what we know about poverty and immigrant integration in the suburbs. Findings contribute to our understanding of the adaptive process of immigrant youth; the role of social capital in the lives of Mexican immigrant youth; and how social capital formation and immigrant integration are conditioned by the suburban context. Findings will be useful to policymakers and practitioners who address issues related to immigrant integration, community and youth development, and the educational achievement gap, especially in the suburbs.