Panel: Moderators of the Experimental Impacts of Head Start: Reanalyses of the Head Start Impact Study
(Fragile, At-Risk Families and Youth)

Thursday, November 7, 2013: 11:30 AM-1:00 PM
DuPont Ballroom H (Washington Marriott)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Panel Chairs:  Yvette Sanchez Fuentes, Head Start
Discussants:  Linda K. Smith, US Department of Health and Human Services
No Other Center-Based Care But Head Start? Effects On Children Eligible for Head Start
Fuhua Zhai1, Jane Waldfogel2 and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn2, (1)SUNY Stony Brook University, (2)Columbia University

Does Better Head Start Program Quality Predict Better Child Outcomes?
Katherine Magnuson, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Does “Skill Beget Skill” for the Experimental Effect of Head Start?
Kelly Purtell, University of Texas and Elizabeth T. Gershoff, University of Texas, Austin

See more of: Fragile, At-Risk Families and Youth
See more of: Panel