Panel: Teacher Attrition and Access to Effective Teaching
(Social Investment)

Saturday, November 9, 2013: 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Georgetown I (Washington Marriott)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Panel Organizers:  Eric Isenberg, Mathematica Policy Research
Panel Chairs:  Helen Ladd, Duke University
Discussants:  Jonah Rockoff, Columbia University and Dan Goldhaber, University of Washington, Bothell
Teacher Attrition From High Stakes Testing: Strategic Behavior Or the Normal Chaos?
Allison Atteberry1, Susanna Loeb2 and James Wyckoff1, (1)University of Virginia, (2)Stanford University

Access to Effective Teaching for Disadvantaged Students in 29 School Districts
Eric Isenberg1, Jeffrey Max1, Phil Gleason1, Elizabeth Potamites1, Robert Santillano1, Heinrich Hock1 and Michael Hansen2, (1)Mathematica Policy Research, (2)American Institutes for Research

See more of: Social Investment
See more of: Panel