Indiana University SPEA Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy University of Pennsylvania AIR American University

Panel Paper: Impact Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial Study of Four Health Care and Green Jobs Training Programs

Saturday, November 14, 2015 : 10:55 AM
Orchid A (Hyatt Regency Miami)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Julie A. Williams1, Karin Martinson1, Laura Peck2 and Karen Needels3, (1)Abt Associates, Inc., (2)Abt Associates, (3)Mathematica Policy Research
Impact Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial Study of Four Health Care and Green Jobs Training Programs

The skills gap of unemployed and underemployed workers is a wide barrier to employment for many Americans. To help address this gap, the Department of Labor provides billions of dollars in grants for the provision of training programs in a variety of workforce sectors. In 2009, two such grants (Pathways Out of Poverty and Health Care and Other High Growth Industries) awarded $750 million for worker training and placement in the green energy and health care sectors. Of the 93 grants awarded, four are being rigorously evaluated for evidence of effectiveness under the Green Jobs and Health Care Impact Evaluation, which includes both a randomized controlled trial study and implementation study. This paper presents, for the first time, final impact findings from this important evaluation. 

At the 2015 Fall Research Conference, we will present the final impact analysis findings for each of the four study sites. Specifically, we will present findings on the study’s primary confirmatory outcome – earnings in the 5th and 6th quarters after random assignment – as measured through administrative UI wage records (obtained from the National Directory of New Hires data). We will also present impact findings based on analysis of the 18-month follow-up survey data, including findings on service receipt, employment and earnings, wage and job progression, educational attainment, and financial hardship. We will also discuss the programmatic context of the impact results vis-a-vis the process study findings.  The results from this paper inform practice at both the federal and local level, as funders and practitioners learn more about the effectiveness of these training programs.   

The Green Jobs and Health Care Impact Evaluation is a 5-year study funded by the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration. The impact study will be completed in September 2015. The evaluation is being conducted in four sites and focuses on training programs that move beyond “business as usual” to provide comprehensive training services including accommodations and supports to more effectively serve low-skilled individuals. Programs included in the evaluation emphasize a “career pathway” approach that fosters job advancement through articulated training and employment steps in occupations in demand in local communities. Other elements include supportive services such career and personal counseling; financial assistance; and connections to employers. The evaluation is being led by Abt Associates Inc., in partnership with Mathematica Policy Research.