Panel Paper:
Understanding College Enrollment Trends in New York City By Neighborhood
*Names in bold indicate Presenter
To address our research aim, we use data available through The New York City Partnership for College Readiness and Success. This comprehensive database includes Census-tract level data from the American Community Survey which incorporates information on students’ neighborhood characteristics such as the unemployment rate, percentage of adults with a Bachelor’s degree, percentage of population not U.S. citizens, the percentage of children living with one parent, and median income. We run a series of cross-nested, multi-level logistic models to examine the relationship between the aforementioned neighborhood characteristics and New York City students’ college enrollment outcomes, net student-level demographic (e.g., race/ethnicity, gender, home language) and academic background characteristics (e.g., test scores, grades, course-work taken).
Given the importance of educational attainment for economic mobility, our research aims to uncover ways in which one’s neighborhood of residence influences the likelihood to enroll in college. Findings from this work can inform the work of City Hall officials and DOE policymakers as they consider place-based strategies to improve local college-going rates. Further, this paper could inform CUNY’s recruitment practices in high schools across New York City.