Poster Paper:
A Successful School Turnaround: Policy Implications and Lessons Learned from a Mixed Method Evaluation
*Names in bold indicate Presenter
In order to mitigate selection bias at both neighborhood level and student level, we combined a two-level propensity score matching approach with a difference-in-differences analysis. A companion implementation evaluation helped explain the findings of the outcomes evaluation and highlighted the factors that seemed to explain how the package of interventions was effective in improving student outcomes. Interview and focus group data were collected from a diverse and large number of informants, including school administrative staff, teachers, parents, students, and community partner program staff. One of the key factors identified across all informants was increased access to online learning tools which engaged and motivated students and allowed teachers to provide more individualized and data-based instruction. We discuss the policy implications of our evaluation for local, state, and national leaders focused on turning around low-performing schools.