Indiana University SPEA Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy University of Pennsylvania AIR American University

Panel: Evidence on the Effects of Affordable Housing
(Housing and Community Development)

Saturday, November 14, 2015: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Miami Lecture Hall (Hyatt Regency Miami)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Panel Organizers:  Emre Edev, Independent
Panel Chairs:  Emre Edev, Independent
Discussants:  Kenya Covington, California State University, Northridge

The Effect of Low-Income Housing on Neighborhood Mobility: Evidence from Linked Micro-Data
Quentin Brummet, U.S. Census Bureau and Otavio Bartalotti, Iowa State University

The Effect of Housing Voucher Receipt on Student Achievement and Attainment: Evidence from Wisconsin
Deven Carlson1, Robert Haveman2, Hannah Miller2 and Barbara Wolfe2, (1)University of Oklahoma, (2)University of Wisconsin – Madison

The Impact of Affordable Housing on the Structure and Content of Social Networks: A Regression Discontinuity Study of Low-Income Households in New York City
Elyzabeth Gaumer1, Ahuva Jacobowitz1 and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn2, (1)NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development, (2)Columbia University

The Impact of Affordable Housing on the Well-Being of Low-Income Households: Findings from an Experimental Study in New York City
Elyzabeth Gaumer1, Ahuva Jacobowitz1 and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn2, (1)NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development, (2)Columbia University

Evidence on the Effects of Affordable Housing
See more of: Housing and Community Development
See more of: Panel