Panel Paper: Income Inequality Among Children in Europe 2008–2013

Monday, June 13, 2016 : 11:30 AM
Clement House, 2nd Floor, Room 06 (London School of Economics)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Emilia Toczydlowska1, Yekaterina Chzhen1, Zlata Bruckauf1 and Sudhanshu Handa1,2, (1)UNICEF, (2)University of North Carolina
With income inequality increasing and children exposed to higher risks of poverty and material deprivation than the population as a whole in the majority of European countries, there is a concern that income inequality among children has worsened over the crisis. This paper present results on the levels of bottom-end inequality in children’s incomes in 31 European countries in 2013 and trace the evolution of this measure since 2008. The relative income gap is measured as a difference between the median and the 10th percentile, expressed as a percentage of the median. In 2013 it ranges from 37% in Norway to 67% in Romania. The relative income gap worsened in 20 out of the 31 European countries between 2008 and 2013. Unequal growth rate in child income across the distribution is a factor contributing to the increase in bottom-end child income inequality. Between 2008-2013 only three countries - Czech Republic, Finland, and Switzerland - have managed to decrease the relative income gap between the average and the poorest children as a result of the income of poor children rising more than the income of a child at the median. Social transfers play a positive role in reducing income differentials, as post-transfer income gaps are higher than the ones before transfers, especially in countries like Ireland and the United Kingdom. Countries with greater bottom-end income inequality among children have lower child well-being, higher levels of child poverty and material deprivation. They also have higher income inequality overall, as measured by the Gini coefficient.