Panel: Food Insecurity Around the Globe: A First Look at the Food and Agriculture Organization's Food Insecurity Experience Scale Data
(Poverty and Income Policy)

Tuesday, June 14, 2016: 11:30 AM-1:00 PM
Clement House, 3rd Floor, Room 05 (London School of Economics)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Discussants:  Anna Taylor, UK Food Foundation
Panel Chairs:  Terri Ballard, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Panel Organizers:  Alisha Coleman-Jensen, U.S. Department of Agriculture

The Global Determinants of Food Insecurity: Analyzing Individual Experiential Measures
Michael D. Smith1,2, Alisha Coleman-Jensen3 and Matthew P. Rabbitt2, (1)American University, (2)Economic Research Service, USDA, (3)U.S. Department of Agriculture

New Frontiers in Understanding Global Food Insecurity: What Explains the Gender Gap in Food Insecurity?
Nzinga Broussard, United States Department of Agriculture- Economic Research Service

Differentials in Food Insecurity Experience and its Determinants in the Arab Region
Hala Ghattas and Francesca Battistin, American University of Beirut

Weather and Economic Outcomes
Sharad Tandon, United States Department of Agriculture- Economic Research Service and Molly Brown, University of Maryland

In 2014, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations sponsored the inclusion of the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) in the Gallup World Poll (GWP) as part of the Voices of the Hungry project. Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life (Committee on World Food Security, 2009). The FIES is the first global experiential measure of food insecurity. The FIES measure relies on respondent's self-reports of difficulty obtaining adequate food and is a direct measure of food access (for more information: Food insecurity data, along with demographic characteristics and other well-being indexes are available in the GWP for 147 countries around the world. The GWP FIES data first became available in September 2015 to researchers that were granted access to a limited number of data licenses by FAO through a competitive call for proposals. This panel includes four papers highlighting some of the first analyses of the GWP FIES data. The four papers all focus on food insecurity from different vantage points. One aims to identify global determinants of food insecurity for the 147 countries included in the GWP. Another focuses on the gender gap in food insecurity to understand why women are generally more likely than men to experience food insecurity. The third examines food insecurity in the Arab region by national income level. The final paper employs weather data to examine the impact of weather and production shocks on food insecurity and income. A discussant from FAO who has been involved with the development of the FIES data will comment on the studies.
See more of: Poverty and Income Policy
See more of: Panel