Panel Paper: Under a Vicious Air: Does Corruption Affect Mitigation Actions?

Friday, July 20, 2018
Building 3, Room 211 (ITAM)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Lilia Garcia Manrique, FLACSO

Corruption is a pervasive problem with impacts in different areas. Most of the times it represents a burden to the economic system. It misallocates productive capital having repercussions on the optimal path of economic growth of the economy. In this paper I evaluate the repercussions of corruption in the mitigation policies because of the shock in the economic system. To assess the impact of corruption in the climatic and economic system I use the RICE model. The RICE model accounts for the economic impacts of climate change at a global level and projects economic and climatic trajectories under different policy scenarios. The control variable modified by corruption is the saving rate. I evaluate this shock by comparing the optimal scenarios in the original RICE projections and the outcomes of the modified RICE. The impacts of corruption result in a negative impact in the economic output and as a result in a reduction of CO2 emissions. The overall impact of corruption is a reduction of total global welfare and an increase in the social cost of carbon.

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