Panel: Sustainable Metropolitan Development: Leveraging Fragmentation, Collaboration, and Managing for Co-Benefits
(Sustainable Urban and Metropolitan Development)

Friday, July 20, 2018: 9:15 AM-10:45 AM
Building 3, Room 209 (ITAM)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Panel Chair:  Sanya Carley, Indiana University

Regional Fragmentation and Sustainable Development Trade-Offs: An Analysis of Competition and Policy Tool Selection
Aaron M. Deslatte, Northern Illinois University and Eric Stokan, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

The Perfect Amount of Help: An Examination of the Relationship between Collaboration and Capacity in Urban Sustainability Initiatives
Rachel M. Krause1, Angela YS Park1 and Christopher Hawkins2, (1)University of Kansas, (2)University of Central Florida

The New Urban Agenda has the capacity to transform cities and solidify a broad conception of sustainability as a guiding principle in public policy and decision making. This promise hinges on diverse sectors, institutions, and stakeholders within cities and across metropolitan regions working together to innovate and create win/win situations that leave no one behind economically, socially or environmentally. The pursuit of sustainable development, particularly in a regional context, often requires local decision-makers to balance a variety of factors - such as jurisdictions' individual functional or economic objectives, competitive incentives, and differential capacities - when deciding whether and how to work with other governments on shared sustainability goals. This panel brings together five papers that explore elements of local governance and policy making to better understand how sustainable development might emerge against the backdrop of regional fragmentation, collaboration and coordination challenges, and managing for co-benefits. The papers utilize inter-related foci on local economic health, energy and climate, public health, and the food-energy-water nexus as lenses through which to examine these regional governance dynamics.