Roundtable: Using the Sdoh Framework to Integrate Health and Social Services
(Management of Health Organizations)

Thursday, July 23, 2020: 3:30 PM-4:45 PM
Webinar Room 8 (Online Zoom Webinar)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Organizer:  Melissa Canu, ICF
Roundtable Moderator:  Courtney Barthle, ICF
Speakers:  Joe Raymond, ICF and Stoney Blevins, Buncombe County (NC) Health and Human Services

Community capacity to address complex social issues and enhance individual and family health/economic mobility has proven to be an on-going challenge in many communities.  Many factors have responsible to the complex array of largely crisis driven and siloed services that are provided in the public and private non – profit sectors.  The Social Determinants of Health (SDH) model’s 4 domains and 13 factors correlate with longevity and quality of life.  This structure can be used to frame a more comprehensive and integrated “health” practice model that is reflective of the range of issues that impact population and individual health and economic mobility.  This presentation/workshop will demonstrate how the SDOH framework provides an opportunity to create a results framework (strategic goals and measurable outcomes) to create a practical path to the coordination and integration of public health and social services programs as well as more focused community partnerships.  This approach can improve the mix of crisis oriented and preventative services and increase coordination of and access to services while creating a baseline to measure success, and align policy, resources and services in the pursuit of clearly defined, measurable success.  Specific examples and strategies will be shared to address coordination, integration and consolidation approaches.  In addition, information will be shared about how communities can use on-line economic mobility tools to create deep understanding about individual strengths and challenges to economic mobility, develop a realistic economic mobility plan supported by trauma informed practice and motivational interviewing, and more seamlessly link supportive services.