Special Events: Plenary: Emerging from the COVID-19 Crisis: The Health Landscape of the Future

Thursday, July 23, 2020: 12:30 PM-1:45 PM
Webinar Room 1 (Online Zoom Webinar)

Emerging from the COVID-19 Crisis: The Health Landscape of the Future The global COVID-19 pandemic has forced governments to make rapid and difficult decisions to protect the health of their populations and to mitigate social and economic shocks. The closing of borders and shutting down of large parts of the economy have proven effective in containing the spread of the virus and “flattening the curve” in many parts of the world. Also, many regions have undergone rapid restructuring of health and long-term care systems to ramp up capacity for testing and treatment and minimize the death toll.  Yet, questions remain as to how to move from reacting to the crisis to designing effective health and social protection systems. This plenary session will reflect on the health landscape of the future as societies emerge from the first wave of the pandemic.   This plenary of global leaders in health policy will reflect on the way forward, and consider the political and policy opportunities presented by the COVID-19 to work across sectors to improve population health and reduce inequities. Moderator: Dr. Kwame McKenzie, CEO of Wellesley Institute; Professor at University of Toronto; Director of Health Equity at the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health Speakers: Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, Physician, epidemiologist, public health expert, and progressive activist Dr. Tim Grant Evans, Director and Associate Dean of the School of Population and Global Health (SPGH) in the Faculty of Medicine and Associate Vice-Principal (Global Policy and Innovation) at McGill University Dr. Danielle Martin, Executive Vice-President and Chief Medical Executive at Women’s College Hospital; Associate Professor at University of Toronto

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