Poster Paper: How Much are Inclusive Cities Valued? Evidence from San Francisco

Sunday, April 9, 2017
University of California, Riverside

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Michelangelo Geovanny Landgrave, University of California, Riverside
Inclusive cities, cities which promote the welfare of its residents regardless of sexual orientation, migrant status, religion, race, or other vulnerable conditions have become a hot topic. Promoters of inclusive cities argue for them not only from a normative basis, but also point out their material benefits. Urban theorists, such as Richard Florida, argue that inclusive cities attract a creative class that promotes innovation and regional economic growth.

This project aims to extend the existing literature by estimating how much inclusive cities are valued by its vulnerable residents using a combination of novel survey, IRS, and census data from the City-County of San Francisco (2005-2015). By quantifying the value of being an inclusive city, policymakers can better decide which inclusive city policies pass a cost/benefit analysis.