Panel Paper: An Assessment of Knowledge on Type 2 Diabetes, the Means of Preventing It, and Attitudes Towards Preventing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Middle-Aged Nigerian Women

Saturday, March 10, 2018
Room 16 (Burkle Family Building at Claremont Graduate University)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Mofoluwake Adijolola Adeniyi, Claremont Graduate University

An Assessment of Knowledge on Type 2 Diabetes, the Means of Preventing it, and Attitudes towards Preventing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Middle-aged Nigerian Women


Diabetes mellitus poses a huge risk to global economy and stability (1). Middle-aged Nigerian women stand an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes because of the biochemical and physiological changes of pregnancy, fat redistribution that occurs during menopause, urbanization, physical inactivity, the high prevalence of metabolic syndrome in this age group (1), health beliefs, knowledge, and lay perceptions.

Brief outline of the policy issue

Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) such as Nigeria depend on other continents of the world for aid, approximately 82% of the world’s poorest countries are in SSA (3). In SSA, the cost of managing diabetes competes with other health issues such as anti-retroviral drugs and malaria control programs (3). It is predicted that by 2020 chronic non-communicable diseases will catch up with infectious diseases and leave infectious diseases behind as a major cause of mortality in SSA (2).

Study objective

This study aimed to assess the level of knowledge of type 2 diabetes, the means of preventing it, and the attitude towards preventing type 2 diabetes in middle-aged Nigerian women.

Methodology including the sample size for the study

Study participants were middle-aged Nigerian women between ages 45 and 55, who attended the medical outpatient clinics at Ibeju-lekki and Epe General Hospitals, Nigeria between September [8, 2014] and September [12, 2014]. They were recruited by being asked if they would like to participate in a study when they checked in for their appointment. Surveys were administered to participants by clinic personnel after obtaining formal informed consents from participants and approval from Concordia University Nebraska’s Institutional Review Board. This study used a quantitative, correlational research design with descriptive statistics and logistic regression for the statistical analysis on the data collected from the survey.

Result/ findings

The findings showed there is a poor level of knowledge of type 2 diabetes and the means to prevent it, and a poor attitude towards preventing type 2 diabetes amongst middle-aged Nigerian women.

Policy implications

It was hoped that this study will be an intervention effect. It will provide information and create awareness on type 2 diabetes, the means of preventing it, and help improve middle-aged women’s attitude towards preventing diabetes. Findings from this study will be helpful in identifying the best way to allocate resources and guide prevention efforts such as where funding should focus on for maximum effect and curriculum development for healthcare and public health personnel.


  1. Ekpenyong, C., Akpan, U., Ibu, J., & Nyebuk, D. (2012). Gender and age specific

prevalence and associated risk factors of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Uyo

metropolis, South Eastern Nigeria. Diabetologia Croatica, 41(1), 17-28.

  1. Gill, G., Mbanya, J.C., Ramaiya, K., & Tesfaye, S. (2009). A sub-Saharan African

perspective of diabetes. Diabetologica, 52, 8-16. doi:10.1007/s00125-008-


  1. International Diabetes Federation (IDF). (2014). Diabetes: Facts and figures. Retrieved
