California Accepted Papers Paper: Reclaiming Stolen Social Capital: Ideas for Community Economic Development in the Bronx

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

April C Hurley, Pratt Institute

The Bronx is increasingly receiving massive investments after years of systematic racism, disinvestment and poor planning stunted the growth of its predominately immigrant and Black American communities. This paper will focus specifically Crotona section of the Bronx as case study. Analyzing recent and current land use and zoning changes and future growth patterns to present a plan for community economic development and regeneration of resources. It will discuss historic trends of community economic development and present a larger plan for future development. The purpose is to understand how revitalization capitalizes on neighborhood change and can strengthens social capital without leading to residential, business or cultural displacement. Explores ways to build the cultural character of the neighborhood, strengthen existent and pave way for new anchor institutions, retain and create well-paying working-class jobs that meet the educational and skill levels of the local workforce, reintegrates marginalize populations, integrate climate resiliency practices, participate in circular economy and Just Transition, leverages current spatial and cultural locations. This paper will attempt identify way to, over time, transform environmental and health liabilities and expose avenues to turn into assets.