Poster Paper: Policy Diffusion: Exploring the Development of Longitudinal Databases In the K12 and Postsecondary Sectors

Thursday, November 8, 2012
Liberty A & B (Sheraton Baltimore City Center Hotel)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Shavecca Snead and Dava Hankerson, Florida State University

The diffusion of policy innovation is customarily viewed in the context of program adoption in states and federal systems. Many models have been developed to understand the rationale behind which innovative programs are chosen to adopt. "Diffusion theory suggests that policy-making activity at the state level may occur either through internal processes or by building on what has occurred in other states"  (Grinstein-Weiss et al, 2005, 1). This can be readily seen in higher education policy where programs such as Georgia's Hope Scholarship has been adopted and revamped to fit a similar context (ie Florida's Bright Futures Program). Consequently, most of the literature dealing with policy innovation and diffusion approaches the phenomenon from the standpoint of state to state program development but little is known about the diffusion of programs from sector to sector. For this literature review I will explore the diffusion of educational policy and programs from the K-12 sector to the postsecondary sector. We will start by defining policy innovation and diffusion. We will then explore the development of longitudinal databases and its diffusion from other states, national government, and other sectors to the higher education system in Florida.