*Names in bold indicate Presenter
In this study, we simulate pension plan actuarial liabilities, normal costs, annual required contributions, and funding ratios by considering the many actuarial input factors and examining the relative effect of changes in those inputs. The simulations assume values for plan features for a typical public sector pension plan. The assumed values include age distribution, benefit formula, and other provisions. The actuarial inputs we examined include interest rate, salary growth rate, inflation rate, amortization period, actuarial cost methods, and mortality tables. The assumed values for a typical plan, as well as ranges of possible actuarial inputs, are all based on data collected from 126 public pension plans in the Public Plan Database (PPD) developed by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. Using this simulation, we investigate the results of the computation of pension liabilities, normal costs, annual required contributions, and funding ratios in different scenarios. The interaction effects of changes in actuarial inputs are also considered. The simulations provide evidence that the change in actuarial methods and assumptions can lead to significant changes in pension costs and liabilities, and provide opportunities for manipulating the pension funding status.