Roundtable: [DATA] Framework for Implementing Evidence-Based Policymaking
(Tools of Analysis: Methods, Data, Informatics and Empirical Design)

Saturday, November 8, 2014: 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Acoma (Convention Center)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Roundtable Organizers:  Darcy White, Pew Charitable Trusts
Moderators:  Donald Moynihan, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Speakers:  Torey Silloway, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Marc Holzer, Rutgers University, Newark, Tony Ortiz, New Mexico Sentencing Commission and M. Rebecca Kilburn, RAND Corporation

The budget and policy choices that governments make each year have long-term impacts on their fiscal and social outcomes. Governments often make these decisions based on inertia, anecdotes, and political and ideological factors, but they can achieve substantially better outcomes by using rigorous evidence to guide their choices. This approach, called evidence-based policymaking, can enable governments to strategically fund and operate their programs. However, to date there has been no comprehensive roadmap to help guide them on this approach. To fill this gap, the Pew-MacArthur Results First Initiative (Results First) has developed an integrated framework of steps that governments can take to build and support a system of evidence-based policymaking. This framework, built on an extensive review of research and discussions with public officials, practitioners, and academic experts, includes five key components – program assessment, policymaking, implementation, oversight, and evaluation. The framework will be published as a Pew report in the summer of 2014. This roundtable will present the framework and include presentations by both academics and practitioners who are experts on various aspects of its key components. Speakers will discuss how each key component supports evidence-based policymaking and highlight lessons learned from initiatives they have implemented or researched. The discussion will also highlight challenges that governments face in implementing each component along with potential solutions.