Panel: Subnational, State and Substate Energy-Economy Modeling
(Natural Resource Security, Energy and Environmental Policy)

Friday, November 7, 2014: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Enchantment Ballroom E (Hyatt)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Panel Organizers:  Kenneth R. Richards, Indiana University, Bloomington; National University of Singapore; Indiana University
Panel Chairs:  Xiaojing Sun, Georgia Institute of Technology
Discussants:  Kenneth R. Richards, National University of Singapore

Climate Change and the Economy in the U.S.-Mexico Border: Challenges in the Implementation of Policies at the State and Local Level
Adam Rose1, Alejandro Brugués2, Carlos A. de la Parra2, Rigoberto García2 and Dan Wei1, (1)University of Southern California, (2)El Colegio de la Frontera Norte

The Indiana Scalable Energy-Economy Model: The Substate Effect of Carbon Dioxide Taxes
Barry Rubin1, Sanya Carley2, Kenneth R. Richards1,3,4, David Warren1, Zach Wendling1, Jacob Bower-Bir1 and Henry Fields1, (1)Indiana University, (2)Indiana University - Bloomington, (3)National University of Singapore, (4)Indiana University, Bloomington

In recent years, national energy policy efforts have been increasingly driven by state-level interests. For example, during the U.S. Congressional climate change legislation debates spanning 2007 to 2010, interest groups in the Midwest were particularly concerned about the negative impact that proposed caps on emissions might have on state economies. At the same time, where the federal government has failed to act, state governments have taken the lead with innovative new policies for low-carbon energy development such as renewable energy portfolio standards and regional carbon trading agreements. Those responsible for representing constituent interests at the state and local level often base their decision making about energy development on preconceptions about the effect of proposed changes. Yet analysts’ ability to predict the effects of state or national policies, or to measure whether actual outcomes resemble the theoretical potential of these polices, at the state or local remains limited. In this panel three different teams of researchers will present their approaches to model energy-economy interactions at the state/substate level. This will provide an opportunity to compare and contrast across a number of issues including structure, data, and goals in the modelling process.