Panel Paper:
Digital Wash: What Leads Public Organizations to Use Social Media As a Legitimacy-Seeking Tool?
*Names in bold indicate Presenter
To corroborate the arguments, the study outline a theoretical model that links legitimacy-seeking behavior and social media use of public organizations and illustrates how social media can be utilized to enhance organizational legitimacy in the public sector. Then the social media use behavior of public and private organizations are analyzed and compared based on a survey data collected through
The result shows the followings: 1) the relationship between red-tape burden on citizens and the social media use exhibits an inverse-U shape, and 2) Recent adoption of functional innovation negatively affects the social media use of public organizations. The indication of the results and the comparisons with the private organizations are suggested. The study is expected to contribute to the literature by providing a perspective of legitimacy to explore the use of social media in the public sector, about which few studies have paid attention to.