Panel Paper:
Estimated Impacts for Motivated Volunteers (Stage 2)
Saturday, November 10, 2018
8228 - Lobby Level (Marriott Wardman Park)
*Names in bold indicate Presenter
This paper will summarize the findings from Stage 2 of BOND. In Stage 2, SSDI beneficiaries were solicited to volunteer for the demonstration. About 5 percent of those solicited chose to volunteer. Women volunteered for the demonstration at a higher rate than men and volunteers tended to be younger than non-volunteers. Those who had been receiving SSDI for a shorter duration were also more likely to volunteer.
As in Stage 1, no impacts on mean earnings were observed in the offset+WIC versus current law comparison in any of the years of the demonstration. In later years, the benefit offset increased the SSDI benefit amount. Again similar to Stage 1, the benefit offset increased the share with earnings above the cliff amount and the share employed in some years.
The presentation will compare Stage 2 impacts with those found in Stage 1.