Lessons for Evidence-Based Actions from Century-Long Performance Budgeting Reform Experiences
(Public and Non-Profit Management and Finance)
Saturday, November 10, 2018: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Jackson - Mezz Level (Marriott Wardman Park)
*Names in bold indicate Presenter
Panel Chairs: Alfred Ho, University of Kansas
Discussants: Burt S. Barnow, George Washington University and Christopher Mihm, U.S. Government Accountability Office
In recent years, the policy analysis community has enthusiastically embraced evidence-based decision-making and policy actions. New tools, techniques, and technologies have been proposed to advance these practices. However, using data and analysis to inform and influence decision-making has been tried and practiced by budgeters and legislators for almost a century, dating back to the early reforms by the New York Bureau of Municipal Research in the 1900s and the PPBS by DOD in the 1950s. Similar reforms have also been practiced by developed and developing countries outside the U.S. This panel is to provide a review of these reform experiences, highlight the institutional, political, and organizational challenges in building and making use of evidence in policymaking, and discuss how program managers, policymakers, advocacy groups, and the public should engage with each other to make evidence-based information matter more.