Stronger Evidence for a Stronger DC: Results from Applied Science within Government
(Politics, Media, and the Policy Process)
(Politics, Media, and the Policy Process)
Friday, November 9, 2018: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Madison A - Mezz Level (Marriott Wardman Park)
*Names in bold indicate Presenter
Panel Chairs: David Yokum, The Lab @ DC
Discussants: Clarence Wardell, What Works Cities | Results for America
This panel will bring together scientists from The Lab @ DC and practitioners from DC government agencies to present our approach to designing, implementing, and evaluating policy and programmatic interventions in the District, as well as results from a broad range of existing projects. We also touch on our commitment to open science and community engagement as key components of our work in the city.
Papers for discussion include:
- A randomized experiment, testing the effect of a supplementary reminder letter to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) families due to recertify their eligibility. This project aims to increase recertification rates so there is no lapse in cash assistance for eligible families.
- A randomized experiment of a flexible rental subsidy testing the impact of the program on homelessness, employment, and housing stability. The program also embedded three nudge experiments within the application process.
- The development of a predictive model to estimate the probability that a location will experience a rodent infestation as well as the results of a field validation of the model’s performance.
- A randomized experiment testing the impact of a 911 Nurse Triage Line (NTL) program. The program is aimed at helping residents navigate the District’s primary health care system, while relieving some of the strain on emergency medical services.