Innovation Session: Contributions of States in Meeting Ambitious Electricity Sector Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets Under Possible Federal Re-Engagement

Thursday, November 8, 2018: 8:30 AM-9:15 AM
Atrium - Exhibit Level (Marriott Wardman Park)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Participants:  Arijit Sen1, Nathan Hultman1 and Wojciech Krawczyk2, (1)University of Maryland, College Park(2)School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, College Park

Description of Research: Given the inherent uncertainties of forecasting using integrated assessment models, it would be unwise to consider the results of the research as direct prescriptions for policy actions (e.g. if the research says that State X needs to cut it’s GHG emissions down from 30% reduction in 2050 under BAU to 40% reduction in 2050 under BAU, the numbers shouldn’t be taken exactly as what they are – but rather the signal should be that somewhat considerable work needs to put in figuring out policies to accelerate GHG emission reduction). That being said, because states will be highlighted individually in the research, this would be more useful to a wider variety of audience in figuring out potential shortfalls from fairly ambitious targets and a qualitative sense of how broad these shortfalls are, as compared to most research to date which targets decisionmakers at the Federal level. Additionally, the research will also focus heavily on other aspects of the electricity sector such as generation mix, electricity prices, changes in electricity demand, which would provide policymakers a more useful and applied guidance on dealing with the problem of emission reduction. For example, it is more helpful to a policymaker if there’s a signal that renewable energy share in the mix needs to increase significantly but electricity demand can be kept as it is to ensure that emission reduction goals are met, rather than being simply presented with an emission reduction target.

See more of: Innovation Session