Innovation Session: Beyond Form Completion and Meeting Reminders: What Is the Next Generation of Public Sector Behavioral Interventions?

Thursday, November 8, 2018: 4:30 PM-5:15 PM
Atrium - Exhibit Level (Marriott Wardman Park)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Participants:  Rekha Balu1, Mary Farrell2, Michael Fishman2 and Lindsay Moore3, (1)MDRC(2)MEF Associates(3)Behavioral Insights Team

Description of Research: In the past decade, a growing number of governments have formed dedicated national, federal, and local behavioral divisions, often called “nudge units,” to strategically design and influence public policy. Behaviorally informed practices align with nearly universal goals: to increase the efficiency and uptake of government initiatives. While behavioral science offers important tools, more comprehensive efforts tied to longer term and higher impact changes will require higher upfront investment. The proposed discussion can be used to spark future research and practice discussion about how researchers and policy makers can use behavioral science to address the goals outlined above, to improve their programs.

See more of: Innovation Session