Innovation Session: Implementing a Universal Basic Income or a Guaranteed Minimum Income Program in the United States

Saturday, November 10, 2018: 1:30 PM-2:15 PM
Atrium - Exhibit Level (Marriott Wardman Park)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Participants:  Susanna Groves, John MacNeil and Jennifer Budoff, Council of the District of Columbia, Office of the Budget Director

Description of Research: A universal basic income or a guaranteed basic income promises to effectively and efficiently eliminate extreme poverty. In addition to raising household income, numerous studies have shown that cash transfer programs are associated with a host of other positive social outcomes, including improved mental health outcomes and increased school attendance rates. However, to date the idea of a universal basic income or a guaranteed minimum income has largely been relegated to philosophical discussions and time-limited trials involving from a handful of subjects to randomized control trials involving several thousand participants. We hope that the findings from this report will help shape the policy debate around universal basic income and guaranteed minimum income in the District of Columbia and provide a framework to other U.S. cities or states who are considering such a program, including Hawaii; Chicago, Illinois; and Stockton, California.

See more of: Innovation Session