Panel: Environmental-Energy Nexus: Global and Domestic Dimensions
(Global Politics and Foreign Policy)

Friday, July 14, 2017: 11:30 AM-1:00 PM
Creativity (Crowne Plaza Brussels - Le Palace)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Panel Chair:  Michaella Vanore, Maastricht University

The Political Economy of Carbon Offsets: A Comparative Analysis of Post-2020 Sustainable Development Mechanism Architecture
Gabriel Chan, Haley Bloomquist, Brianna Denk and Alexandra Hillstrom, University of Minnesota

The Influence of Global Climate Change on Energy Technology Innovation in Federal Political Systems
Sarah M. Jordaan1, Adrienne Davidson1,2, Jamal Nazari3 and Irene M. Herremans4, (1)Johns Hopkins University, (2)University of Toronto, (3)Simon Fraser University, (4)University of Calgary

Environmental-Energy Nexus: Global and Domestic Dimensions
See more of: Global Politics and Foreign Policy
See more of: Panel