Panel Paper: Monitoring Mix-Use INDEX in Large Urban Projects: The Case of Santa Fe, Mexico.

Thursday, July 19, 2018
Building 3, Room 210 (ITAM)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Alfonso Valenzuela-Aguilera, State University of Morelos

Large urban projects such as Santa Fe in Mexico City are generating a particular type of socialization that have to do with the diversity of uses, the density of activities and the use of technologies, which generates other types of interactions within a particular imaginary. However, consistent with the spatial location of the place, This paper studies the impact of diversity on urban systems, particularly because the financial complex of Santa Fe has generated a multiple escalation of urban and social problems (Moreno, 2011, Valenzuela, 2007, 2013). Actions aimed at a socially inclusive urban revitalization should be preceded by an analysis that quantifies vitality, diversity and social interactions. Therefore, the present proposal seeks to study aspects of mix use in Santa Fe through indices of urban diversity at the level of land use and its impact on vitality in terms of density of activities and social interactions that develop spatially in this complex urban.