Panel Paper: Grid-Scale Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Implications of Electricity Storage and Carbon Pricing Options

Monday, July 29, 2019
40.008 - Level 0 (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Sarah M. Jordaan, Qingyu Xu and Ben Hobbs, Johns Hopkins University

Models that characterize life cycle greenhouse gases from electricity generation are limited in their capability to estimate emissions changes at scales that capture the grid-scale benefits of technologies and policies that enhance renewable systems integration. When quantifying the life cycle emissions of an electricity grid, national assumptions about the generation mixes are often applied at annual time steps, neglecting to account for the regionalized differences in power systems that can result in variable emissions results. We present a grid-scale life cycle model that incorporates details of transmission and generation planning, which allows a geographically textured and thus more realistic assessment of not only the costs but life cycle greenhouse gas impact of storage and policy options. Results from a co-optimized model of generation, transmission and operations, entitled the Johns Hopkins Stochastic Multistage Integrated Network Expansion Model (JHSMINE), will provide a detailed characterization of storage scenarios. The analysis will focus specifically on the western interconnection comprising the western geographic area of North America where the grid is synchronously operated. Scenarios will include the effects of carbon prices, the addition of 1200 MW of Pumped Hydro and the addition of 1200 MW of Compressed Air Energy Storage with new wind capacity.