The 2019 APPAM International Conference in Barcelona, Spain will be held on July 29 – 30, 2019. The Johns Hopkins University - University Pompeu Fabra (JHU-UPF) Public Policy Center will co-host the conference. The conference will host over 50 sessions and three plenaries. Attendees can also enjoy receptions and generous lunch schedules for optimal networking opportunities.

There are new and emerging global challenges that warrant pragmatic and evidence-informed policy responses. Major political changes have been occurring on both sides of the North-Atlantic and other parts of the world, and new political forces have appeared that have impacted the context in which policies are being developed. These new realities create tremendous opportunities for public and social policies that respond to an array of political, economic, and social changes. Moreover, the beginning of the twenty-first century has been the spectacular growth of social inequalities among and within countries. Each of these challenges have had an enormous impact on the quality of life, social well-being, and health populations, in addition to economic and political impacts.

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When accessing paper abstracts, sometimes the abstracts are presented as Word documents and sometimes they are presented as simple text. It depends on how the information was submitted by the organizer.

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