DC Accepted Papers Paper: Addressing the Race-Based Academic Achievement Gap Among Elementary School Students

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Danielle R. Gilmore, George Washington University

Academic achievement gaps drive of educational disparities among African American and Hispanic students. Therefore, this systematic literature review will (1) examine individual, interpersonal, and environmental factors contributing to the race-based academic achievement gap between African American and White; and Hispanic and White students in elementary school (2) identify effective evidence-based interventions to narrow the race based academic achievement gap among elementary school students. Racial achievement gaps persist after controlling for student characteristics, highlighting the school environment’s role in exacerbating academic disparities. Policies aimed at narrowing race based academic achievement gaps should seek to improve quality in high minority schools and implement instructional practices tailored to the specific needs of diverse students. Improving instructional quality for economically disadvantaged students is crucial in narrowing racial achievement gaps.