*Names in bold indicate Presenter
DATA: We use data from the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) to test three hypotheses about participation and satisfaction of municipal services. LAPOP surveys about 1,500 citizens in each of 26 different Latin American countries every two years. These data provide in-depth, individual level data on democratic values and behaviors in the Americas.
METHODS: Our research questions are threefold. First, can we establish an empirical relationship (which has previously only been theorized) between citizen participation and satisfaction with services? LAPOP surveys citizens about their satisfaction with municipal services, their participation in local government meetings, and demands made upon local government officials. Then, we estimate whether this relationship is consistent at all levels of government, or whether trust (a theoretically important construct in participation literature) in local government will moderate that relationship. Finally, we explore the role of the economy on these relationships. The cross sectional nature of the data limit our analyses to OLS models, but the richness of the data allow us to test for moderating and mediating effects.
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