Poster: Saturday Poster Session

Saturday, November 9, 2013: 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
West End Ballroom A (Washington Marriott)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

The Impact of Schooling On Childhood Obesity
Chaeyoung Chang and Haeil Jung, Indiana University

The Effect of High School Shootings On Schools and Student Performance
Louis-Philippe Beland, University of Montreal and Dongwoo Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Effects of Fiscal Stimulus On Crime
Filippos Petroulakis, University of Maryland, College Park

Modeling the Tipping Point of Gun Ownership: Is There a Point At Which Control Becomes Irrelevant?
Roy Heidelberg, Louisiana State University and Adam Eckerd, Virginia Tech

Private Safety Nets Among Families With Young Children
Natasha Pilkauskas and Andrea Alvarado Urbina, Columbia University

Great Expectations: Can Teachers' Race Reduce Adolescent Risky Sexual Behaviors?
Angela Fertig1, Vicky Wilkins1 and Danielle Atkins2, (1)University of Georgia, (2)University of Tennessee

Should I Stay Or Should I Go? A Sociological Analysis of Strategic Default
Lindsay A. Owens, Stanford University; Stanford University

Does Financial Strain Break The Connection Between Employment and Lower Offending Among Former Prisoners?
Nora Wikoff, Washington University and Zachary W Hoskins, University of Minnesota

Maternal Employment and Mother-Child Interaction
Frank Heiland, Baruch College and Joseph Price, Brigham Young University

Child Maltreatment Among Families Experiencing Father's Incarceration
Maria Cancian, Laura Cuesta and Jennifer Noyes, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Exploring the Divergence of Consumption and Income Inequality During the Great Recession
Jonathan Fisher1, David Johnson1 and Timothy Smeeding2, (1)US Census Bureau, (2)University of Wisconsin

The Role of Nonresident Fathers in Mother's Child Care and Employment
Yeongmin Kim, University of Wisconsin, Madison

The Changing Conseuquences of Lone Parenthood for British Women
Paul Gregg, Susan Harkness and Marina Fernandez Salgado, University of Bath

How and Why We Choose This Childcare Arrangement? Factors Contributing to Parent's Selection for Childcare
Yen -Ting Liu, Columbia University and Shu-Yung Wang, National Chung Cheng University

Lessons From State Laws: Do Coverage Mandates for Preventive Cancer Screenings Change Behavior?
Wendy Yi Xu, Bryan Dowd and Jean Abraham, University of Minnesota

Incarceration and Educational Attainment: A Propensity Score Analysis
Valerio Bacak and Kailey Spencer, University of Pennsylvania

State Firearm Laws and Firearm Ownership and Safety Practices Among Families of Preschool Age Children
Kate C. Prickett1, Alexa Martin-Storey2 and Robert Crosnoe1, (1)University of Texas, Austin, (2)Universit� de Sherbrooke

Unpacking Child Care Center Selection in Low-Income Families
Heather J. Bachman1, Amirah Saafir2, Sabrina Crews3 and Kalani Palmer1, (1)University of Pittsburgh, (2)University of California, Los Angeles, (3)Vanderbilt University

Is Food Insecurity in Early Childhood Associated With Kindergarten School Readiness?
Anna D. Johnson and Anna J. Markowitz, Georgetown University

The Financial Crisis, Subjective Well-Being, and Vulnerability
Soumya Chattopadhyay, University of Maryland; The Brookings Institution

A Multi-Method Evaluation of Client Well-Being From a Community-Based Outreach Organization
Tanya Stepasiuk, Lisa Kalimon, Ryan Kling, Ryan McLane, Ana Maria Sanchez Rodriguez, Bukola Usidame and Ryan Whalen, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Diffusion of Program Termination: Assessing the Termination of State General Assistance Programs Across the U.S
Sojin Jang, Chris Weible and Brian Gerber, University of Colorado, Denver

Emergency Department Use Among Working Age and Older Adults Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid
Shreyasi Deb, MBA, Adele M. Kirk and Nancy A. Miller, University of Maryland

How do Childhood Interventions Prevent Crime?
Lucy C. Sorensen and Kenneth Dodge, Duke University

Re-Familialism Or De-Familiamlism? The Social and Political Economy of Changing Childcare Diamond in Taiwan
Yen -Ting Liu, Columbia University and Shu-Yung Wang, National Chung Cheng University

Saving Behaviors of EITC and Non-EITC Eligible Families
Carletta Taylor Sims, Indiana University

The Effects of Direct Certification in the National School Lunch Program On Program Participation
Jeounghee Kim, Rutgers University and Myungkook Joo, Rugters University

The Impact of Mother's Education On Child's Math Score
Jing Li, Xiaoying Qi and Fei Guo, Columbia University

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