Panel Paper: Beyond the Buzzword: Big Data and National Security Decision-making

Saturday, November 4, 2017
Haymarket (Hyatt Regency Chicago)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Damien Van Puyvelde and Stephen Coulthart, University of Texas, El Paso

This article explores the role big data in the national security decision-making process. The global surveillance disclosures initiated by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden have increased public and academic discussions about big data and national security. Yet, efforts to digest literature on data analytics have remained rare in the field of Security Studies. This paper defines big data, explains the characteristics of big data, provides an overview of the techniques and methods of data analytics, and explores how big data capabilities can support core national security intelligence activities. When doing so, we explore the uses of big data in the contemporary intelligence process. We conclude that while data analytics tools contribute to and influence all the core intelligence functions, they can neither replace the central role of humans in national security intelligence, nor overcome their biases.