Roundtable: State and Local Immigration Policies: What Lies Ahead?
(Population and Migration Issues)

Friday, November 3, 2017: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Ogden (Hyatt Regency Chicago)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Roundtable Organizers:  Karthick Ramakrishnan, University of California, Riverside
Moderators:  Michele Waslin, American Immigration Council
Speakers:  Cynthia Buiza, California Immigrant Policy Center, Reshma Shamasunder, National Immigration Law Center and Muzna Ansari, The New York Immigration Coalition

For over a century, immigration policy had been the near-exclusive domain of the federal government. In the last two decades, however, states and localities have been at the forefront of policy debates involving undocumented immigrants, from early fights involving day labor regulation and English-only ordinances, to state and local laws on employer verification, in-state tuition, immigration detainers, and drivers licenses. How are we to make sense of this 20-year period of immigration federalism, and what lies ahead in the coming decade? This roundtable brings together policy practitioners from around the country who focus on issues related to immigration enforcement as well as immigrant integration, as well as scholars who have been central to the study of immigration federalism (Ramakrishnan is coauthor of The New Immigration Federalism from Cambridge University Press and Michele Waslin has been researching state and local immigration policies at the American Immigration Council and formerly at the Pew Center for the States).

See more of: Population and Migration Issues
See more of: Roundtable