Panel: Influences and Effects of Food Assistance Program Participation
(Poverty and Income Policy)

Friday, November 3, 2017: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Field (Hyatt Regency Chicago)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Panel Organizers:  Lindsey Rose Bullinger, Indiana University
Panel Chairs:  Alexandra B. Stanczyk, University of California, Berkeley
Discussants:  Colleen Heflin, University of Missouri and Donna Ginther, University of Kansas

SNAP Judgments: Is Reporting in the Digital Age Affecting Discourse about Welfare?
Benjamin W. Chrisinger1, Eliza D. Whiteman2, Ellie Pavlick2 and Chris Callison-Burch2, (1)Stanford University, (2)University of Pennsylvania

Does SNAP Increase Young Adults’ Engagement in Higher Education?
Sarah Hamersma, Center for Policy Research and Matthew Kim, University of St. Thomas

SNAP and TANF Asset Limits and Financial Behavior of Low-Income Households
Lindsey Rose Bullinger1, Ed Gerrish2 and Maureen Pirog1, (1)Indiana University, (2)University of South Dakota

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the largest food assistance program in the United States. As a result of the growing prominence of this social safety net program, there has been increased interest among policymakers about this program. Indeed, concerns over increased spending have resulted in recent cuts to the SNAP program. This panel addresses various factors that influence program participation – including the media, family structure, work requirements, and time and asset limits – as well as some of the effects of program participation on educational and financial investments. The first paper studies how various news and online media outlets have covered SNAP over time, describing changes since the advent of digital platforms and social media. The second paper investigates SNAP and other food assistance program participation across various family structures, identifying the different role food assistance programs may play in contributing to household resources. The third paper studies the unique population of young adults without children, and how SNAP work requirements and time limits affect program participation, in addition to how program participation affects educational investment decisions. Finally, the last paper examines the impact of asset limits on SNAP and other safety net program participation and financial decisions. The papers in this panel contribute to the current debate regarding the size of social safety net programs and policy tools that can be used to influence the program’s generosity.  

See more of: Poverty and Income Policy
See more of: Panel