Panel: Community, Family, and Their Impacts on Education

Saturday, November 4, 2017: 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Gold Coast (Hyatt Regency Chicago)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Panel Chairs:  Javaeria Qureshi, University of Illinois, Chicago
Discussants:  Breno Braga, Urban Institute

Educational Investment Responses to Economic Opportunity: Evidence from Indian Road Construction
Anjali Adukia, University of Chicago, Sam Asher, World Bank and Paul Novosad, Dartmouth College

Harmattan Winds, Disease and Gender Gaps in Human Capital Investment
Belinda Archibong, Barnard College and Francis Annan, Columbia University

Unwelcome Guests? The Effects of Refugees on the Educational Outcomes of Incumbent Students
Umut Ozek, American Institutes for Research and David Figlio, Northwestern University

Do Bank Branches in Public School Enhance Learning? A Field Study
J. Michael Collins, University of Wisconsin, Madelaine Reid L'Esperance, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Elizabeth Odders-White, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Community, Family, and Their Impacts on Education

See more of: Education
See more of: Panel