Poster Paper:
What Do Classroom Observation Scores Tell Us about Student Success? Examining the Predictive Validity of at-Scale Classroom Observations
*Names in bold indicate Presenter
The primary contributions of this analysis are twofold. First, this analysis will be among the first to examine the predictive validity of observation scores obtained from an at-scale, consequential teacher evaluation system, supplementing the existing body of evidence using data from experimental, low-stakes settings. Second, access to administrative data allows me to validate observation scores (and value-added estimates) against a range of non-test score measures. Evidence on the multi-dimensionality of teacher quality from Gershenson (2016), Jackson (2017), Blazar and Kraft (2017) and others suggests that a considerable amount of teacher-driven variation in non test-score outcomes is missed by teacher value-added scores. If this variation is captured in classroom observations, as will be assessed in this study, these results would provide strong evidence to support and inform the use of multiple measure teacher evaluation.