Panel: New Directions for Data, Infrastructure, and Finance in Environmental Policy
(Natural Resource, Energy, and Environmental Policy)

Saturday, November 10, 2018: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Taft - Mezz Level (Marriott Wardman Park)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Panel Chairs:  Yueming (Lucy) Qiu, University of Maryland, College Park
Discussants:  John Helveston, George Washington University and David Switzer, University of Missouri

Conservation Finance through the Ballot Box: An Event History Analysis
Agustin Leon-Moreta, University of New Mexico

How Does Stakeholder Involvement in Planning Processes Affect Resource Tradeoffs in Water and Energy Infrastructure?
Nicola Ulibarri1, Tyler A Scott2 and Omar Perez-Figueroa1, (1)University of California, Irvine, (2)University of California, Davis

Price Versus Non-Price Incentives in Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
Omar Asensio1,2 and Sarah Elizabeth Walsh1, (1)Georgia Institute of Technology, (2)Institute for Data Engineering & Science

Institutional Fragmentation and Critical Infrastructure Systems: How Network Structure Impacts Performance, Resilience, and Equity
Tyler A Scott, University of California, Davis, Ryan P. Scott, Colorado State University and Robert A. Greer, Texas A&M University

This proposed panel explores perspectives on the use of data to address infrastructure and related problems in environmental policy. Using a variety of theoretical and disciplinary perspectives, this panel addresses the theme of how new data sources and approaches can be used to address long-standing questions about critical infrastructure. In paper 1, Ulibarri, Scott and Perez-Figueroa use natural language processing to characterize dependencies between water, energy and food systems. In paper 2, Ganz and Soule use a new dataset of congressional testimony to explore questions of legislative access in environmental decision making. In paper 3, Scott, Scott, and Greer use network analysis to explore interdependencies between energy and water systems. In paper 4, Asensio and Walsh use real-time data to evaluate behavior in electric vehicle infrastructure with connections to energy and transportation. These 4 papers offer both methodological and theoretical insights on critical infrastructure issues with cross-disciplinary approaches from public policy, urban planning, economics and organization theory approaches.