Panel Paper:
The Impact of Marijuana Outlet Density on DUI Arrests and Substance-Related Fatal Accidents
*Names in bold indicate Presenter
In this paper, I use novel measures of marijuana outlet density to evaluate the effects of state-recognized sources of marijuana on DUI arrests and alcohol-related fatal accidents. Drawing from a dataset comprised of the address, opening date, and closing date of all state-licensed medical and recreational marijuana in 18 states, marijuana outlet density is measured on the county level by the percent of the population within 5, 25, and 50 miles of any state-licensed marijuana outlet. Data on DUI arrests are obtained through Uniform Crime Reports county-level dataset; data on alcohol and opioid related marijuana traffic fatalities are obtained through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System Data. Difference-in-difference analysis is used to analyze the effect of marijuana outlet density on DUI arrests and fatal accidents. When complete, this analysis will provide policymakers with vital information on the public health and safety effects of legally recognized sources of marijuana.