2019 APPAM Fall Research Conference
Rising to the Challenge: Engaging Diverse
Perspectives on Issues and Evidence
November 7 - 9, 2019
Denver, Colorado

The 2019 APPAM Fall Research Conference will celebrate APPAM's 41st conference on November 7-9 at the Denver Sheraton in Denver, Colorado. This year's event will focus on celebrating differences among all viewpoints and how we can work together to improve the public policy field.

The current political context underscores the value of bringing together researchers and practitioners with a wide range of perspectives to engage the evidence and discuss how best to improve public policy. It is our hope that the conference theme, Rising to the Challenge: Engaging Diverse Perspectives on Issues and Evidence, will encourage a conference with conversations that reach across disciplinary, methodological and ideological divides.

You may search for particular presentations by typing a keyword, phrase from the abstract, final paper number, author/speaker/participant name, or title (all or part).
When accessing paper abstracts, sometimes the abstracts are presented as Word documents and sometimes they are presented as simple text. It depends on how the information was submitted by the organizer.

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