Panel Paper: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Assess the Efficacy of the Detroit Promise Path, a College Promise Program with Success Supports
*Names in bold indicate Presenter
This paper presents findings from a randomized controlled trial evaluation of the Detroit Promise Path. About two-thirds of eligible students were randomly assigned to be offered the new program, while the rest were assigned to a control group who received the Promise scholarship alone, and thus did not meet with coaches or receive incentives. Comparing the two groups’ outcomes over time provided a reliable estimate of the effects of the Detroit Promise Path. The findings in this report include the following:
- The program had a positive effect on students’ persistence in school, full-time enrollment, and credit accumulation. The effects in the first year are statistically significant and among the largest MDRC has found in postsecondary experiments: in the second semester, for instance, there is an 8 percentage point impact on enrollment and a 10 percentage point impact on full-time enrollment. There is also a near tripling of summer enrollment and a doubling of students’ likelihood of completing a full-time load in the first year (24 or more credits).
- While these effects decline somewhat for those students in their second year of the study, the results still remain positive. Some of the impacts on persistence and full-time enrollment hover around statistical significance in the second year. The size of the effect on average credits earned also shrinks in the second year.
- Participation rates were high among enrolled students, and students reported positive experiences in the program, especially in their relationships with their coaches. The vast majority of program group students engaged with the program, and the average number of coaching meetings remained high throughout the two program years. In focus groups and a student survey, nearly all students reported valuing the program.
Although it is too soon to know whether the program will have a measurable effect on graduation rates, it is having a positive effect on students in the first two years. This evaluation shows that building student support services like the Detroit Promise Path into Promise scholarships can have a meaningful effect on students’ academic progress.
Full Paper:
- Detroit_Promise_Path_Report-Final_0.pdf (428.0KB)