Panel Paper: Career Prospects in Science and the Rise of Team Work

Thursday, November 7, 2019
Plaza Building: Concourse Level, Plaza Court 4 (Sheraton Denver Downtown)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Donna Ginther, University of Kansas

Using a model of information, de Fontenay et al. (2018) demonstrate universities and funding agencies will respond to the noisier signals of quality in larger teams. They will tilt more of the funding and salary pool towards senior incumbents with established reputation (the `safe bets') rather than junior scientists. We test this model using data from the Survey of Doctorate Recipients. Using variation in team size by field, we show that fields with larger teams (as proxied by the number of names on an average paper) have worse career prospects. This variation in career prospects by field cannot be explained by changes in university enrollments by field.

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